
Science Songs All Day Long CD


Ages: 4 to 9

Skills Included

Metamorphosis of a Frog, Space, States of Matter, Nocturnal Animals, 5 Senses, Water Cycle, Animal Habitats, Energy From the Sun and Sound, Forces, Recycle, Reduce and Reuse, Parts of a Plant, Motion, Earth Science & Day Sky, Night Sky.



Song Titles

1. Frog’s Life Cycle
2. Sound is Energy
3. Show Me the Motion
4. Animal Playground
5. Move Like Molecules Move
6. Metamorphosis
7. Nocturnal Animals
8. 3 States of Matter
9. Day Sky, Night Sky
10. 5 Senses
11. I’m an Astronaut
12. Forces Can Push or Pull
13. I’m a Plant
14. Water on the Earth Goes Round
15. Energy From the Sun
16. Animal Habitats
17. Recycle
18. Reduce, Reuse and Recycle
